A Functional Model and Analysis of Next Generation Malware Attacks and Defenses


Recent ransomware attacks (e.g., Colonial and JBS) caused significant social and economic impact due to their ability to shut down entire businesses. A functional model divides nextgeneration malware (NG-malware) attacks into 3 stages: Penetration (to gain a foothold), Propagation (to gain full control of target system), and a variety of Exploitation methods. The functional model shows that many attack methods and tools can be flexibly combined to bypass implementation-specific defenses at each stage, with the most important defense battleground being the prevention of NG-malware gaining full control of target system. Given the potential for further evolution of MG-malware, e.g., obfuscation of lateral movement jobs to increase both the speed and stealth of Propagation, it is crucial for the defense to develop effective defenses to detect NG-malware Propagation before ceding full control. An experimental platform that enables detailed evaluation of new NG-malware attacks and defenses is an effective tool in the battle for full control.

In 2021 Third IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications (TPS-ISA’21)